Pre-Transition Coaching for Executive Leaders, Founders and Boards
Program Overview: Planful, Organized, Expeditious, Dignified
This program is a comprehensive and innovative approach to Executive transition. It concurrently provides consultation and support to a Board of Directors and organization facing an executive leader transition as well as direct coaching to the leader. It includes a carefully crafted plan which enables the organization to smoothly and strategically transition the leader with dignity. This program is most useful when the leader is long time leader of Founder, moving towards retirement or just no longer fits.
It helps the organization expedite a replacement plan, mitigate risks and manage their messaging while minimizing resistance and helping the leader more quickly transition.
The leader founded the organization and is hesitant or resistant to leaving. The organization finds itself toggling between wanting to honor the Founders legacy but needing to move the organization forward. Institutional knowledge and relationships run deep so Founder transition seems daunting and potentially risky.
The organization is in a position where it requires a different kind of leadership skillset or experience to move forward. The Board, Owner or Executive Committee recognizes what got the organization to this point isn’t what is needed to in the next stage or the existing leader’s style no longer fits the culture the organization wants to create. This program is beneficial when the circumstance involves sensitivities because of potential increased public scrutiny or exposure.
Designed for long term leaders who are within 1-2 years of retiring. It provides the organization with a strategic plan and timeline for transition.
Benefits to the Organization:
- Provides a bridge to seamlessly transition leader.
- Stabilizes the leadership and organizational culture during time of change
- Provides a dignified exit plan that engages the leader in the process.
- Expedites the search for a replacement leader
- Mitigates potential discord between organization and leader.
This is a 3-pronged program supporting the organization as well as the individual through organizational transition. It is systemically as well as individually focused.
Part 1: Consultation and Support for the Organization
Part 2: Coaching for the Executive Leader
Part 3: Coaching for the Remaining Leadership Team

Karen Kodzik
President-Founder-Career Counselor
About the Founder
Karen Kodzik possesses a Masters Degree in Counseling with an emphasis in Career Development demonstrating a career long commitment to helping people realize rewarding careers. She is uniquely qualified as a coach by coupling her formal training as a counselor and a solid business acumen gained as an HR insider for Fortune 500 corporations.
Karen is a popular and passionate trainer, presenter, author and speaker. Karen quickly and easily engages her audience, leaving them empowered and equipped for any career transition