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Leadership Lessons with Susan Heegaard

Susan Heegaard has always prioritized authentic and intentional networking. When stepping into a new type of leadership role as president of the Higher Education Compact, she again turned to her network for guidance and support. For her, it’s about knowing your strengths and seeking support where needed.

Leadership Lessons with Susan Heegaard 2020-04-03T21:33:42+00:00

Tim McNiff Podcast Interview – Family Factors Contribute to Career Decisions and his Boomerang Career

Long-time weekend anchor and now communications consultant, Tim McNiff talks about his boomerang career and how he has repackaged himself and his experience to adapt to the marketplace.

Tim McNiff Podcast Interview – Family Factors Contribute to Career Decisions and his Boomerang Career 2019-07-15T17:11:06+00:00

Podcast Interview – Beth LaBreche

Listen to how this successful PR agency executive and entrepreneur arranges the pieces of her career to stay focused on what she loves to do while moving from business owner through job search to corporate communications leader to the next chapter in her career. Beth shares lessons learned along each step along the way.

Podcast Interview – Beth LaBreche 2018-11-08T17:38:54+00:00