Insider Insights 2023-01-16T18:03:33+00:00

Fostering Work-Life Balance with a Summer Fun Plan

PTO (paid time off) is a significant negotiating factor when landing a new job. Yet, many of us fail to actually use it. As career-driven individuals, we often find ourselves caught in the demands of our jobs or saving PTO for some arbitrary event or possible emergency in the future. In the hustle and bustle of our professional lives, it's all too easy to overlook one essential component of our well-being: fun. Adding fun to our everyday lives is about more than just enjoyment; it's an essential career management strategy.

Building Champions: Unlocking Success in Your Career

In the journey of our careers, champions play pivotal roles in our success. These individuals are more than just mentors; they actively open doors and promote our value. Recognizing and nurturing these relationships can propel your career in ways you might not have imagined. Discover how to identify, appreciate, and cultivate your champions, and consider how you can become a champion for others, fostering a legacy of mutual support and success.

How to Regain Confidence After Coming in Second Place for a Role

Being a finalist but not the chosen one is disheartening and deflating. It throws you back to ground zero in your search. You might find yourself questioning your abilities, replaying the interview in your mind, and wondering what went wrong. This is a universal part of the job search process, and it's important to plan how you'll move forward after rejection, while also building the confidence to move forward.

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