Sure… you have a job now, but will it last?

Home » Sure… you have a job now, but will it last?

Sure… you have a job now, but will it last?

Is it time to take control? Do you find yourself sitting on pins and needles as you await news of the future? What will happen to your company? Your job? Your colleagues?

You have a job, but just don’t know if it will last. The sense of unknown is stressful. The world is an uncertain place with no timeline for normalcy. The impact of this pandemic changes daily, and businesses and organizations must respond.

While much is uncertain and that is unlikely to change in the near future, there is an opportunity to move from a place of waiting for something to happen to taking control of your destiny by creating options and setting yourself up future success. But what does this look like?

  1. First, you must quantify and qualify your value within the organization. Step back and think about how you are contributing within your organization and how you can continue to have an impact, even in times of change. Perhaps that impact looks different in this new world. Finding the opportunity within your organization will help you demonstrate value and adaptability while continuing to contribute in a meaningful way.

  2. No matter what happens with your current organization and role, it’s important to sharpen your skills, AKA… your toolkit. While you may not know if you are staying or going, focus on your skill set, especially those skills most relevant to the world and work today. There is always a need for employees with the ability to solve problems, adapt to change and lead through uncertainty.

  3. Next, this is a time to assess and reassess. Perhaps your current role is your dream job… and it’s hard to imagine a future outside of that role and organization. No matter how you feel about your current position, this is an opportunity to rethink your dream. Does your dream look different? Does your current role exist in another organization? If your dream has changed, what do you want to do next?

  4. Ensure you’re ready for whatever the future holds. This means updating your resume (always a good idea, even in times of growth and opportunity) and reviewing your online presence. LinkedIn is an essential tool in this time of remote networking so ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date. Are there skills you can list that are particularly relevant to today’s world? This is a place to tell your story – not just your employment history, but the narrative version of where you are and where you want to be.

  5. Lastly, while networking looks different right now, it has never been more important. Foster and engage your professional network. Get creative about how and who you connect with. This is the time to assess how strong your network is, and make a plan for building and maintaining your network before the need arises.

In times of uncertainty, it is important to take control of what you can. When you move to a place of empowerment, you take control of your future and equip yourself for whatever the future holds. Not only does this prepare you for a future job search, but it also shines through in your current role. Your ability to adapt and persevere in these strange times could be your greatest asset.


About the Author:

Cultivating Careers was founded by Karen Kodzik, a Career Consultant who has worked with individuals in transition for over 13 years. Karen meets professionals at various points on their career path and works with them to gain a clearer sense of where they want to take their careers. Karen Kodzik holds a Masters Degree in Counseling with an emphasis in Career Development. Karen couples seasoned counseling skills with a solid business acumen. She has coached and consulted various levels of professionals across industries to successfully reaching that next point in their career.

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