Often times, job search and job change are the result of unhappiness and a belief that greener grass exists elsewhere. But is the grass really greener? And is the grass always greener?
This is a loaded question for anyone in search of something better because what is better and will better last? The first step to evaluating if the grass will actually be greener elsewhere is to understand the reason you are seeking change. Are you in search of a new challenge or unhappy with your current role or the organizational culture? Perhaps you are frustrated with management or your team, and believe that starting fresh will make all the difference. Or maybe you just feel unappreciated. No matter what the rationale for a change, understanding your motivation to seek greener grass will help ensure a more positive outcome, no matter what you decide to do.
Another important consideration is the role of fear, especially fear of the unknown. Change is inevitable but often carries a lot of baggage. Humans instinctively want information… to aid in making an informed decision that offers safety and security. What many fail to consider is that change happens everywhere. A job, the organization and its culture all evolve with time. Likewise, people change over time as well. Starting something new, no matter how exciting and challenging in the beginning, will also bring change. No person, organization or entity stays the same forever. Accepting change as a part of life, both personally and professionally, will make managing any change easier.
The key lesson here is that the grass is rarely greener when your values and work are misaligned. Seeking a better title or more compensation often provide short-term gratification. If better is what you are after, you must know what better looks like for the long-run. You must accept that you will continue to change, your job will change and your perspective will change. Long-term happiness comes from knowing yourself and what you value most to ensure that you are pursing change that brings your work and values into closer alignment. Without this, the grass may start out greener, but it will never last.
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