Networking can be difficult and even daunting. It requires courage, a crisp message and a game plan to truly make the most out of a networking conversation. Even for those who ambitiously tackle the task, the outcomes can be spotty. People work so hard to muster the courage to reach out to others when it is often more comfortable and convenient not to. They master their message and are ready for that face to face meeting. They persist through the frustrations of phone tag and email volleys to reach the person they want to network with. The call is finally received and the date is set. They put on their business casuals, grab their notebooks and a business card or two. They practice their message and rehearse the conversation in their head on the way to the meeting. Good news – the meeting goes well, they leave with a high level of confidence that their new networking contact will help them connect to others and opportunities. But nothing comes of the meeting and they never hear from that person again. What happened?
Too often the networking effort fizzle because the person fails to stay top of mind with their network. The adage “out of sight, out of mind” prevails. The networking contact soon forgets about you and the meeting. The best way to prevent “one and done” networking meetings is to have a good follow up and regular outreach plan to keep your network updated and informed so that when opportunities present themselves, you are top of mind with your network.
Check back for specific tips on how to stay top of mind.