Newly released book by Joshua Waldman, Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies hits the street today. It is 340 pages packed with tips and tools for job search in general and specifically utilizing Social Media. That is both a blessing and a curse. Thank goodness for the “dummies” format which allows readers to jump around to the parts most pertinent to them and their search. Some parts assume the reader is fairly technically saavy and understands the different social media tools. The book nicley reinforces some job search basics, especially the fact that networking needs to extend beyond the computer screen to face to face relationships.
In terms of social media Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies addresses some common topics like key words on resumes but also some cutting edge things like online and video resumes. Josh does a nice job addressing the various social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, blogging and LinkedIn both in terms of set up as well as using them to increase your network, research companies and increase your general online presence and reputation.
Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies is best used as a reference book vs a cover to cover read. The good news is that as job seekers increase their comfort incorporating social media in their search the book offers more in depth coverage of the topic. I applaud Josh in tackling this topic because it is so incredibly new and dynamic, changing daily with the speed of light, and changing the approach to job search forever.