Yesterday was an above average networking day for me. In one networking conversation I had I was asked how many LinkedIn connections I had. I explained that the quality of my network was more important to me then the quantity. I want to know that the people in my network know what I do and need from a business perspective and I want to know the same about them. I want to know that everyone of my LinkedIn contacts will return a call or email from me or from someone I connect them with. I want to know that these network connections are equally invested in the process of networking at all times not just when they need something.
Ironically during my evening networking event I bumped into someone who invited me to be in his network on LinkedIn. At that time I was happy to accept his invitation. When I approached him, he looked at me somewhat quizically, trying to quickly place me. He was courteous and said hello however when I walked away I wondered is he really a quality connection? If he can’t even recognize me in person, would he openly respond to a call or email from me? I guess the lesson learned for me was realizing that my network needs to be constantly assessed for quality if I am going to rely on it over time and in the long run.