Re-energize Your Career

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Re-energize Your Career

Get the tools and inspiration you need to help re-energize YOUR career!

I  will be featured in the second annual Women at the Top® Virtual Leadership Conference, Re-Energize Your Career!

The conference features 21 leadership experts in five core development areas presented over the course of five days. On Wednesday, March2 I will be speaking on Lifelong Career Management .

Time: 12:00 -1:30 pm CST daily

Format: simulcast (webcast or telephone)

Cost: FREE

Registration: required

Isn’t it time to re-energize your life or career?


About the Author:

Cultivating Careers was founded by Karen Kodzik, a Career Consultant who has worked with individuals in transition for over 13 years. Karen meets professionals at various points on their career path and works with them to gain a clearer sense of where they want to take their careers. Karen Kodzik holds a Masters Degree in Counseling with an emphasis in Career Development. Karen couples seasoned counseling skills with a solid business acumen. She has coached and consulted various levels of professionals across industries to successfully reaching that next point in their career.