One predominant characteristic of us Midwesterners is our ability to be self reliant. It is a value we wear like a badge of honor. But now is not the time to stand strong and true, by yourself. Job search can be a grueling process on many levels. Now more than ever we need to reach out to others for advice, for support, and for help. Our families can’t be the primary “go to” people during this time because they have their own stresses and pressures. They don’t truly understand what it is like to be unemployed in this tough economy and often we have a tendency to hold back so not to worry or burden them.
One of the best things job seekers can do is get a job search buddy. This is someone also in job search who understands what it is like. This is the person you can use as a sounding board as you encounter bumps along the way. This is also the person who can be supportive and a cheerleader along the way, and you can be theirs. This is someone you can show your true ups and downs to and know they’ve been there and understand. The buddy system is an amazing accountability tool in job search, nudging each other along, challenging one another to do more, to make one more call. With a job search buddy, you can divide and conquer the marketplace, each going to some networking groups and taking away the best pieces, then sharing with one another. Your job search buddy may also be your wing-man for new networking events, so it isn’t so scary to go alone.
I can’t speak enough about the value of a job search buddy. But I do know that it is definately worth it. So don’t go through this alone – find a buddy.