Career Cross Roads

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Career Cross Roads

We all face cross roads in our careers. These cross roads may come when we are in a job that no longer fits, or when we are in between jobs trying to figure out the quickest path to the next opportunity, or when we have gotten restless and bored and are trying to identify the kind of work that brings back the passion. With people changing jobs more frequently than ever, the average tenure in a job hovering around 3-5 years and with companies quickly changing course, these cross roads may present themselves several times in our careers. Even as a career counselor, I can look back over the past 20 years and easily identify 5 distinct times when I had to make some significant decisions in my career. None of these were light heart decisions and all impacted my life and career moving forward. I remember struggling with options, constant contemplation of ideas and having to sort through the endless advice of the well intended people in my life. The good news is that I found work that I love and can be an objective resource for my clients through the years as they face the various career cross roads in their lives. Career cross roads are inevitable, working through them with a trusted pro, is priceless.


About the Author:

Cultivating Careers was founded by Karen Kodzik, a Career Consultant who has worked with individuals in transition for over 13 years. Karen meets professionals at various points on their career path and works with them to gain a clearer sense of where they want to take their careers. Karen Kodzik holds a Masters Degree in Counseling with an emphasis in Career Development. Karen couples seasoned counseling skills with a solid business acumen. She has coached and consulted various levels of professionals across industries to successfully reaching that next point in their career.