A Word to “the Working”

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A Word to “the Working”

It saddens me when I see job seekers repeatedly get doors shut in their faces or calls go unreturned from working people they are trying to network with. In a recent conversations with a client they said their employed counterparts treated them like their unemployment situation was contagious. It seems like working people are fearful of talking to them because then they will have to look in the face of someone who just as well could be themselves. I get it, working people are nervious about losing their jobs, they live on pins and needles hoping today is not the day their name is called to HR. But now is exactly when you want to be networking, and cultivating relationships. The Twin Cities is a small business community and we need each other to make it through these times. So my “working” friends answer that call, return that message and do what you can to help a job seeker. At the end of the day you will be glad you did.


About the Author:

Cultivating Careers was founded by Karen Kodzik, a Career Consultant who has worked with individuals in transition for over 13 years. Karen meets professionals at various points on their career path and works with them to gain a clearer sense of where they want to take their careers. Karen Kodzik holds a Masters Degree in Counseling with an emphasis in Career Development. Karen couples seasoned counseling skills with a solid business acumen. She has coached and consulted various levels of professionals across industries to successfully reaching that next point in their career.